Monday, February 2, 2015

Kid Style: Cookie Crisp Sandwich Cookies

Last night as I was relaxing on the couch watching the Big Game (aka the Super Bowl commercials) it suddenly occurred to me that tomorrow is L's turn to bring in preschool snack. At this point, I deemed it too late to run out to the store, and in full disclosure, a morning stop would never happen as it is a miracle to get out the door on time as it is. So, I was forced to dig through the pantry and pray that I could find something suitable to feed fifteen tiny people. Pickings were slim as I hadn't made it to the grocery store over the weekend, but I managed to find an unopened box of Cookie Crisp cereal and some white chocolate chips.

A quick search on Pinterest revealed that I wasn't the first to concoct an on-the-fly Cookie Crisp treat and in fact, someone had been kind enough to create some adorable tags so my last minute efforts appeared way more put together than they actually were.

Using the tiny Cookie Crisp Cookies, I melted the chocolate put a dab between two cookie pieces using my handy dandy Pampered Chef icing bottle. This was the first time I've had a chance to use this handy dandy tool, and it was way easier than using a regular icing bag!

 The whole process of making the tiny sandwich cookies took about an hour and then I placed a few in snack sized baggies and stapled one of the cute FREE printables to each bag.

The result was adorable! If you are looking for a cheap Valentine's Day treat idea, this could totally be an option!

Happy Monday!

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