Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Clutter Monster: Your Email Inbox

Clutter can come in both physical and digital forms (thanks to overflowing email inboxes!) It can be overwhelming and challenging to sift through all the special offers, newsletters, and junk mail to discover the few messages that actually deserve your time. To help remedy this problem, I've made my email inbox my top weekend organizing priority and hope to purge the digital clutter monster.

If you are interested in putting the digital clutter monster in his place, it is important to understand the nature of the beast. Email correspondences typically have one of two purposes: to SELL you something or TELL you something.

Merchants spend big bucks trying to convince consumers they will somehow benefit by owning their product. If you frequently purchase items from a particular merchant and genuinely enjoy seeing new items offered and promotions, keep them on your radar by allowing them to continue to send you emails. However, if you subscribed to a merchant's email list to receive a one time coupon, or just forgot to uncheck the "please send me daily emails" box when joining a group or website, you should unsubscribe.

By subscribing to a merchant's email list, you are essentially inviting them into your home and offering them your precious time on a daily basis. You probably wouldn't invite physical strangers into your house to peddle their wares, so why let cyber merchants be any different?

Messages from friends, family members and co-workers usually include bits of information tailored to social or work related meetings, events, projects, and news. Things start to get tricky when friends, family, and co-workers use email as a platform for sending .gifs, chain letters and other nonessential information. All the dancing cats and internet memes add up and before you know it, you've found yourself off task and out of time to get to the messages that actually require your attention and merit responses. Not to say that quotes and videos of skateboarding dogs don't have a place in cyberspace; they are just better suited to Facebook, Instragram, Twitter, and Pinterest. If a friend, family member, or co-worker is a repeat junk mail offender, point them to a social media website and tell them to share those types of items with you there.

Companies and special interest groups love to keep you informed via email of their newest projects and accomplishments along with stories and information related to their fields. This is great if you are genuinely interested and engaged in a majority of their content, but if you find yourself deleting their messages without even opening them, you should probably go ahead and unsubscribe. If you find yourself with a renewed interest in kayaking, or baby sleep tips in the future, you can always subscribe again.

Join me in simplifying your inbox in the new year!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

May the 4th (Birthday) Be With You!

It is no secret that we are all big Star Wars fans, so when our little guy turned four, what better way to celebrate than with a May the 4th (Birthday) Be With You Party! Matt collects Star Wars items, so he was pretty excited to bring some of his items out of storage to provide party décor. He may or may not have asked about keeping them permanently displayed in our living room. He may or may not have been promptly shut down. 😆

May the 4th (Birthday) Be With You Partyscape

Our mantle got a temporary makeover with Star Wars paper pennants, and buckets of  themed photo booth props.

Lots of lightsabers, meant a few impromptu battles. 

Masks, old Halloween costumes and some quick quotes glued to wooden dowels made quick and easy photo props.

Gingerbread Men turned Wookie Cookies with the help of a fork, some black icing, and a few silver cake decorating bits.

Lemonade is always an easy drink choice along with bottled water for the kiddos.

I went super simple with the cake and just added some  sugar stars I cut out of fondant, some paper cutouts hot glued to toothpicks, a glittery silver number 4,  and a couple of simple Star Wars toys.

This was my husband's favorite part of the party décor. I removed everything from our living room built in and temporarily replaced them with everything Star Wars.

We ended up with some great pictures of our friends in front of our makeshift photo booth. I took a cheap rolling clothing rack that I had in the garage and taped blue tool over the top. Then, I hung clear Christmas lights in the back so they shined through. Instant twinkling stars backdrop!

Great minds think alike! They looks so cute in their matching shirts.

This metal Star Wars sign was one of only a handful of things that I actually didn't source from our garage. Of course, it made its way into Matt's collection afterward.

Our friends were all such great sports with dressing up and getting into character.

Getting some use out of some character mugs and vintage trading cards.

We kept the food pretty light with fruit, cheese and crackers, Chick-Fil-A nuggets (as requested by the birthday boy) and cake!

Everyone went home with a silver little treat bag full of Star Wars themed goodies.