Monday, August 11, 2014

Highlighting the Beginning of the School Year

My little guy started preschool today and while part of me yearns for the days when he was just a little cooing baby, the other part of me is having a little party, because preschool means two three hour blocks of freedom a week! I have so many plans and projects swirling through my head. The possibilities are endless.

As a token of my appreciation to the lovely ladies who will be filling up my son's preschool hours with fun, games, and learning, I made up some cute little beginning of the school year gifts.

I found this adorable idea where most all crafty ideas reside, on Pinterest. The Tomkat Studio created these fun (and free!!) little tags for an sweet and easy teacher gift that won't break the bank. A quick stop at the office supply store, a printer, a hole punch, some twine, and ta-da! I kind of love them, and even if I didn't have an unhealthy obsession with office supplies, I still think I'd appreciate the thought.

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